Placer Wine Tour - Affordable Limo Tours
The Placer Wine Trail offers a refreshing change from the more commercialized experiences of larger wine regions. Regal Carriage Limo and Party Bus wants to take your friends and family on a relaxing day of wine tasting.
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Placer Wine Trail

Excellent wine in the foothills

The Placer Wine Trail offers a refreshing change from the more commercialized experiences of larger wine regions. The family-owned and operated Placer wineries are small vineyards and the winemakers themselves are part of the charm, making Placer County a freshly sought-after destination for a more personalized and unique wine-tasting experience.

Sitting down and having the winemaker or their family member pour you a taste of their wine gives that old-style feel. Just like buying fresh fruit, eggs, and vegetables from the farmer’s market, freshly roasted coffee from the local roaster. There is just no other quality that can match it. When you travel through the foothills of Placer County Wine Trail, wind through on the small roads, and pull up to a small, cute, and home-style farm has a specific charm that is earned through hard work. That story is told through hearty laughs, funny true stories, and delicious glasses of wine.

Enjoy the wine trail in a limo

Regal Carriage is the number one limo and party bus in Auburn, CA. We have 5-star drivers and the best limo or party bus you can imagine. Let everyone in your group have a drink and enjoy the day on the Placer Wine Trail. Let Regal Carriage take care of all the driving for you. View the whole gallery of images

Placer Wine Trail Map

The wonderful people at have created a great website to view what wineries are available. They have a great interactive map to use when planning your next Regal Carriage Trip.

Cruise with Regal Carriage for your Wine Tour

Booking your Regal Carriage Placer Wine Tour is simple and there are two ways. You can request a quote or go straight to booking the reservation. Please use the buttons below to make your choice. The